Cows are known to live for 15 to 20 years under normal circumstances of the natural lifespan of cattle. Still, their lives like the lives of other farm animals are cut short by the meat and dairy industries. Here, we shall discuss the subject to find the answer to the question, “How long do cows live?” and consider the corresponding longevity of the non-consumption cows.
How Long Do Cows Live?
Lacking farming requirements, cows have a normal lifetime duration between 15 and 20 years. It might actually understate how long they are going to live for that lifespan you know. According to the Guinness World Records the oldest cow was 48 years and nine months of age.
Drastically growing cattle can be seen pretty much anywhere on the globe. But given that the dozens of millions of cattle are being slaughtered each year the poor beasts seldom get to live a full span.
Beef Cow Lifespan
Some of the beef cattle species have their life expectancy at approximately 24 to 36 months after which they are processed. The other category of cattle between six months and one year is taken to feed lots to be matured to market size. Big feedlot plants account for 80-85% of the cattle in the entire nation.
Some suggest that cows for meat should be slaughtered at a later age, are probably right. Hence, using the argument presents serious ethical dilemmas. For instance while bracketing the time for slaughtering could reduce the rates of infanticide it could also mean that the suffering of the animals in factory farms is extended.
Calves Lifespan
The duration of life determines the calf’s presence in agriculture and strongly depends on gender. In dairy production they sell female developing calves which cannot produce adequate milk to raise them for meat purposes. Some are castrated soon after being born because the firm does not consider the male calves profitable to keep alive. Some are ‘finished’ to produce veal or beef, Others are raised to produce veal or beef.
Newborn calves are removed from their mothers or HAVE their mothers taken away from them and are placed into small pots full of straw termed as “veal crates,” and the calves are all put in a pen all by themselves. Consequently, this slows muscle development and gives the pale tender meat that producers of veal desire. These animals are usually slaughtered between trading ages of 16-18 weeks. They further estimated that 700,000 calves are butchered in the United States of America annually.
Dairy Cow Lifespan
What is the expected life duration of cows throughout the dairy industry? The females are used for beef production and at the of six years of age or when it stops giving milk, it is sold and killed for meat. Dairy farmers subject cows’ bodies to tremendous stress in order to produce milk and the end result is that the cows cannot stand or move in some instances. This degradation makes the meat from dairy cows utilized in inferior meat brands such as ground beef.
These industries have to work together because, although the two are different industries, one cannot exist without the other. Dairy cows contributed to the generation of 21% of the total amount of meat that was sold in the commercial markets in the United States of America in 2018. It is also possible to find cows that are slaughtered on one dairy farm for them not to be marketed for human consumption.
How to Help Your Cow Live Longer
Due to their size and mass, cows are known to be very demanding animals in as much as their needs include land, a shelter from the rainfall and food. Also, some points that could be mentioned are that cows are much cleaner animals than one would perhaps think. Some of the things that they need include clean water, a well-maintained environment and good grooming.
However, to all those who have time, the resources and the patience to produce a simple and happy cow, here are some tips to add years to their life!
Help Your Cow Live Longer
The size and strength of cows make them very demanding animals that need the following necessities of life; land, a place to run to when it is raining, and food. Also, much to your surprise cows are a lot cleaner than most people could ever imagine. This might include, clean water to drink, sparser and well cleaned area and good body hygiene among other things they require.
However, if you have the capital, the time, and energy to rear a simple happy cow, here are some tips that may help your cow live longer!
Flies are usually very attracted to cows. House flies prefer laying their eggs in dung and of course cows produce lots of that. They may also transmit diseases such as anaplasmosis which is a blood-borne disease that results in miscarriages and death among cattle. To solve this problem of these pests infesting your pets, you’ll require fly sprays and insecticides.
Cows’ hooves also require to be trimmed like the nails of a human being, and this is done about every two or three months. Unclean stalls pose a major health risk to cattle, which include foot rot and other bacterial infections. This is a process that need to be done by a professional known as a farrier. A farrier is a person who specializes in shoeing of the horse as well as providing care to the equine hooves. Any professional who practices the art of trimming cow hooves should have all the equipment’s required to contain and trim hooves safely. A cow chute is also ideal for every care requirement of the cow as well. This assists in reducing stress or anxiety on the cattle to ensure that they are relaxed whenever you are working on them.