Have you ever memorized your sights by a duck padding in a pond, only to wonder if it was a Rouen or a Mallard? These two breeds every so often share a prominent resemblance, making it pretty tricky to differentiate. Worry not my duck enthusiasts! Let is dive into the duck world to help you tell the difference between the two. Both ducks Rouen and Mallard captivating water birds, each with attention-grabbing appearance, but where do they differ with each other, let us discover the key differences.
Color Pattern
While both of these breeds display similar color palette, there are distinctive shades and tones. The male Rouen duck (drake) displays a vibrant green head, a white collar and a chestnut breast. It has somehow a richer fluff that is more intense as compared to a Mallard duck. On the other hand, the female Rouen duck displays a heated brown appearance just like a Mallard hen, but generally larger in size.
Size Variation
One of the major difference that sets both these breeds apart is their size. Rouen duck is typically larger in size as compared to a Mallard duck. They are generally raised for their meat and their full body appearance reflects this fact. On the other hand, Mallards are smaller in size and have a thin appearance.
Rouen ducks are popular for their quiet and calm nature. They are raised to have meat production due to their calm temperament. In contrary to that, Mallards are a wild species that can be more uneasy and wary towards humans. However, the domesticated Mallard ducks can display a friendly disposition.
If compare their habitats, Mallards tend to be more adaptive birds found in a variety of habits like ponds, rivers, lakes and even in urban areas. Rouens on the other hand, are primarily are bred as home-pets and are raised in controlled and well-ordered environments.
Spotting the difference between the Rouen duck and Mallard duck can be pretty challenging at the first sight, but your keen eye, observation and with little knowledge, you can become a duck-spotting pro. While color, size and behavior are the key indicators, but you may observe variations within each breed. Examining key differences between Rouen duck and the Mallard duck invites you to deeply appreciate the fine details and immense beauty in the nature’s creations. While Rouen and Mallard duck both have a unique charm, it is important to remember that Mallards are wild birds and might not be ideal pets. On the other hand, Rouen ducks with their calm and docile nature can be an excellent companion for enthusiasts seeking a feathered fellow. Next time when you got a chance to encounter a duck, take a pause to observe its features closely. Could it be a calm and majestic Rouen duck or a charming Mallard? Have a happy duck watching!